(OLD 5.7 Discussion FORUM)

Adding Multiple Pages at same time

Is there a way to add multiple pages? They're all the same type of page and have the same parent... but it's a list of about 50 or some that need to go under the parent. 5.6 and before had the "Add Multiple Pages" add-on which was simple and brilliant.

Error when submitting a form

Hi Everyone, Im facing a problem, i cant figure out how to fix it and its really important coz the website is published. the version i'm using is there are multiple forms in the website and they were working fine but suddenly we started to r…

3rd Party Library

Hi all, I've had a search and can't find exactly what I'm after, hence the new thread. I am building a site where I need to include 3rd party libararies such as those to do things with Amazon's AWS or processing payments through Stripe for instance.…

Magnific Popup and form

Hello, I have managed to initiate Magnifico Popup when someone clicks on my Enquiry button. But as you will see if you visit the test page here (http://gotimetrekkers.com/concrete5/index.php/richard-iii-and-battle-bosworth) the form shows beneath the …

Fetching variable within iframe

I have two pieces of code, both of which need to fetch a static google map. The first one (inside a div) works, but the second (inside an iframe) doesn't. The link are identical in both. But I can't figure out why the map doesn't show in the iframe; possi…

How to format the date returned from getCollectionDatePublic()

Does anyone know how to change the format of the date return by this method? [code] $page = Page::getCurrentPage(); $date = Core::make('helper/date')->formatDate($page->getCollectionDatePublic(), true); print $date [/code] I would like to …

Background Image

Hi, Is it possible to have a full screen background image? Then various smaller content blocks would sit on top of the background image. Thanks

Rich Text Box not showing

Hi, Was wondering if someone could help, I have a site running the latest 5.7 release ( and when I add a new content block to the site the rich text box tools don't show up, so I can add text but no controls so I can't save. There is a worka…

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