(OLD 5.7 Discussion FORUM)

Can’t make sense of where Helper files exist, or how loaded

Sorry if this is an uber-newbie question. In 5.6 there was a file called concrete/helpers/concrete/asset_library.php. Now in 5.7, I can not file that file, which is bizarre to me as what is Loader::helper('concrete/asset_library'); actually loading? …

I need more information for migration for 5.7

I checked bellow. https://github.com/concrete5/concrete5-5.7.0/wiki/Migration-Guide Also I checked "Use PHP Namespacing instead of Loader functions" and "http://andrewembler.com/posts/concrete5-5-7-add-on-development-part-1/" But I am not sure. …

LESS is a lot more work

I've finally got some time to begin working with 5.7 and I'm trying to understand LESS. With past improvements to CSS, namely frameworks, I saw the productivity improvements immediately. With LESS I'm struggling to find what problem it's trying to solve. …

How do I get current language?

In concrete5.6, I refered ACTIVE_LOCALE. However, no define in concrete5.7. How do I get current language in concrete5.7?

Page List Date Filtering

What are the chances of having an option on the page list block which would allow you to filter out items which have a public date in the future, or items which have an expiration date in the past? From what I can tell the follow code (with two additio…

[SOLVED] No tracking in Google analytics

Hi I have set up Google analytics on a site www.kithagemann.com but a few days ago all tracking stopped. In Google Analytics the directions are: "add the following line to each template page immediately after the opening tag" But the two option…

"Elemental" - drop-down navigation not working on iPad

Does anyone else have this problem? I know there's no hover function on the iPad, but the submenus should at least open with a "tap". I did change the typeface and some colors. check here: http://stagingseydoux.ch/index.php (NOTE the links above …

Adding attributes/categories to a block

Hi all, I am playing with C5.7. I love it!! I come from the Symfony-ish world, and greatly appreciate C5’s streamlined architecture and interface. So, although I am by no means a C5 developer (yet), I can follow along. I have created a custom video…

Managing sets of data like files

Hello all, I am using the youtube block in c57, which I have modified to include a thumbnail, and I have a whole bunch of instances stored in the database. What I would like to do in manage those instances the same way I manage files: having a list…

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