(OLD 5.7 Discussion FORUM)

How does asset requiring and providing work?

In the package controller I registered some assets needed for Zurb Foundation. In the page_theme.php I require the assets and my stuff is working. But when I want to tell concrete, that my theme provides these assets using $this->providesAsset() th…

Conversations - can't see a way to require authentication

Hi all, I've added a conversation block to my blog post page type, but can't see a way of requiring a user to authenticate before they can post. I have required registration in the dashboard (email validation) and enabled facebook as an authentication ty…

The 'Page Not Found' Page

I packaged up a sample theme to follow the tutorial online in the 5.7 documentation - and was wondering about single pages like page_not_found.php - whats the best way of going about adding it so it conforms with my theme? I added a php template called…

Unable to Install 5.7.2 - Returns to Select Language

I am trying to install 5.7.2, but am unable to do so. After I enter all the information for the setup and try to go to the next step, it keeps returning me to the "select language" page. This is happening on a HostGator server. Has anyone else encoun…

5.7 errors on install/migration

I'm transferring a c5.7.2 website from XAMMP to Bluehost, it has been unsuccessful everytime. The closest I can get is a clean install. This is the most common error. [code] Uncaught exception 'PDOException' with message 'SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table o…

Overriding system layouts

What's the correct way for wrapping system pages into your theme now? We ust to edit site_theme_paths.php [code] $v = View::getInstance(); $v->setThemeByPath('/login', "yourtheme"); $v->setThemeByPath('/page_forbidden', "yourtheme"); $v->setThem…

analytics and download metrics

I've not used concrete5 before, we're moving our site to it soon; I'd like to make sure that 'virtual page views' work to track downloads. e.g.: [code] whatever[/code].

header logo issue on home page only

Hi I have just downloaded and added 5.7 to my IIS machine all is working except the header logo which does not appear on any other machine on my intranet but all other pictures are working correctly. the header logo always has localhost in the link […

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