Block Requests

How to send form values to an email address?

How to send form values to an predefined email address, the form-block sends just a message an not all values I need 4 textfileds (name …), 1 email and 2 radiobuttons (subscribe / unsubscribe) in the form and these values have to been send… What is…


Компания ищет мастеров на постоянные зароботки! Набираем сотрудников по следущим вакансиям: строительные чертежники, каменщики, бетонщики, операторы строительных машин, плотники, жестянщики, кровельщики, штукатуры, укладцики стяжек, плиточники, сантехни…

add image between DIV, SPAN or P elements for inset shadow

I'd like to make a theme which using inset shadow for all element automatically. I need to put all element in html block element. Like: [code][/code] I tried to modify concrete5's image block, and I did some change in view.php but it wasn't work. …

Form alteration

Hey all, I am really enjoying my time with concrete5. Just have a request to alter the original form block layout. Right now the form block text is to the side of the actual input field itself when I actually want the text to be on top. I have added…

Galleries added show single column of pictures and thumbnails

Awkward Slider and many more galleries or sliders have been added to my project...they all look great in admin/edit mode...but when I log out, they all show in a single column... view;…

Calendar Block / Add-on with year view?

I Need a calendar with year view. I this i need a 3 separate textfields (event, name, additional information), a category (for css styling) and a link to an internal page. Is the any module I can use, modify (with html-, css- an poor php-knowledge)?

Grayscale image

How I can make a grayscale image from set? Am I must make a new function or can I use an available function on concrete5? and how I can make it integrate with block? Thanks for help :)

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