
cant log into site

Unable to login to my website. shows " an unexpected error occurred. allowed memory size of .........bytes exhausted ( tried to allocate ........bytes ). Site doesnt show username or password box so i Can log in ? appreciate your help.

Google search redirects to viagra site

I have a site that redirects to a pharmacy site only when searched for in google. When I do a search for "Brannack Electric" in google it just goes the a viagra site. Can anyone help me to locate the hack on my site? Or is it a google problem?

Wordpress Survey The last selection is the correct one. It only takes a second. Literally. Thanks

Payments with Stripe add-on released

Hey everyone, just wanted to post something to highlight a new add-on we've developed and is now in the marketplace: Payments with Stripe Here's a video of it in action: https://w…

Conversation Block - email notifications

Hi, is anybody able to tell my why my sites notification emails that are sent out when somebody posts to a conversation are not identifying the 'poster' in the email body but instead are showing the markup referring to the members ID in the member directo…

Document Library block is setting the session cookie

Hi again! I'm back with another cookie problem :) Could someone, please, verify this? 1. Install C5 8.5.2 (with no content, just to be sure) 2. Make sure Always track user locale setting is disabled (Dashboard -> Multilingual setup) - this is supp…

Need help fast. Problem with URL Redirection maybe?

Not sure what happened here, but a site that has been running fie for some time now is no longer loading content. The concrete5 pages work fine. But not the site's. The only thing I can think of is that a co-worker was trying to set Canonical URLs and som…

Finding a Slider that Meets Accessibility Standards

Hi All, I am looking through the selection of sliders available in the add-on's section and want to purchase one - that said, I need one that at least attempts to provide for accessibility. (Here are some of the guidelines…

Dirty Laundry

I am currently testing a number of themes for issues installing on version 8.5.2 which is the latest version as of today ( November 21, 2019 ). Supermint is currently out of compliance with this error: [code] Cannot use Concrete\Core\Foundation\Objec…

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