
Forms With PayPal Payment : Time-based Fees

Is there any way with Forms With PayPal Payment to have time-based fees. E.g., If a person registers before a certain date, the fee is $100 but after that date, it is $150. Suggestions?

Forms With PayPal Payment : Limit Number of Registrants?

Is there any way with Forms With PayPal Payment to automatically limit the number of people who can register? That is (for example), after 100 people register, close the registration down. Obviously I can do this manually, but it would be more convenient …

Forms With PayPal Payment : Test Mode?

Is there any way to get Forms With PayPal Payment to use the PayPal sandbox? Prior to opening it up for actual use, it would be really good to be able to test the entire registration process without having actual transactions occur.


Okay, I have been very grateful to so many people who have helped so far. I feel like I finally have enough knowledge to ask specific questions. Here it goes: If I have projects started with concrete5 but I want to transfer them over to ixwebhosting wh…

Question about Licensing

I have a question about code licensing, maybe some informed individual can chime in. Suppose I'm developing a C5 add-on, and I want to use a PHP library that's released under the GPL license in my add-on. 1. Can I do so, if I include a copy of the G…

Blog entry help

On the Blog Entry page, Under Attributes & Content, how do I automatically deselect Header Image and Thumbnail Image? See attachment I'd like to not have it default to an image at all. Thanks for any help here.

March Weekend Special

I am having a special on 3 of my most popular marketplace items. The deal is good only until Monday, March 11 at midnight (EST). For only $55, you get: - Social Feed - SEO Analyzer - Foundation (responsive theme)…

Went Live - Horrible Loading Issues

I installed Concrete 5 for the first time for one of our new clients about 5 or 6 months ago. They have been loading their content for all this time without any issues. Wednesday, we pointed to our IP address via GoDaddy to where we have our Concrete5 s…

Database Manager Addon Available

I have a Database Manager addon available for Concrete. However, it is NOT available in the marketplace, and is "use at your own risk". It is basically a CRUD editor that allows you to edit any table from your Concrete database - right from your dash…

eCommerce power?

Hellloo! I'm asking for any eCommerce power houses out there. What is the biggest eCommerce website you've built using the eCommerce C5 plugin? I'm talking products here. Most of the ones we've done haven't been more than 300. Has anyone built one wher…

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