

why is this on my web site and not my site name

Deleting a page is very slow

Hi, I have a site with 200+ pages. When i try to delete a page, i get the loading icon forever. The site itself seem fairly fast but that one task is the one that always spins forever. I hope someone had this experience. Searched the forum and co…

Search Works Only With Single Words???

Ok, I'll admit that I've never paid much attention to C5's search facility. I don't generally perform searches on my clients' sites. However, I just had a client contact me about why it doesn't seem to work, and it turns out they're right. It doesn't even…

How open is open source software – research survey

Dear concrete5 Community, I am a researcher on open source software from the Technical University of Hamburg, Germany. I would kindly like to invite you to participate in my research survey about the importance of openness in software development. …

How to Modify the "Tables" Add-On

I purchased the add-on "Tables" and can't get the developers to answer my question so I'm coming to the C5 community for help. It is going to require my sending the code to the person who wants to help me with these 2 questions. 1. Each html table crea…

Concrete5 not working on Internet Explorer 8

Hello, My website is not working properly in Internet Explorer 8, but it works fine in Safari. In IE, the entire right column is missing and the bottom half of the website. Can someone help? My website URL is Please l…

Sitemap after php 5.3 update

Hi. Server got a php5.3 update and now the sitemap is not working. Everytihng else seems to be working fine. It seems to have the problem on the second level pages only. I get two kind of error messages: "Internal Server Error The server enco…

Editing with IE9

Has anyone else had any trouble editing a C5 website with IE9? I can't move blocks.

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