
Is concrete5 any good as an ecommerce cms?

I love C5 but am thinking of developing a business to sell baby products such as prams and related items. What is your honest opinion of C5 as an ecommerce cms, would it cope? Any suggestion welcome Thanks

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More deals of the day please..

If you're a developer or theme designer with some stuff in our marketplace and you'd like to drive sales, you should make a special offer from your my account area and submit it to us for deal of the day. Kinda re-hashing the same handful of deals the…

Job Board Question

I'm trying to post to the job board, but I can't get past the "needs company description" error. I'm filling in the field and can't figure out what it's missing. I need to find someone to help support an existing Concrete5 site, so that seems like the …

registration not working

Hello! I've been running without any problems. A couple of days ago I discovered that new users are having trouble registering. I have both the captcha and validation email enabled. New users just keep getting bounced back to the registration …

Licenses link missing in my account

I was looking to download the latest version of superfish, but found that the licenses link isn't available from the My Account section. This was an option in the old site. I love the new site look, however, very nice - feels more consumer friendly an…

Better forms solution?

Love the forms produced by - anyone else here written a better forms package for Concrete5 that does similar to the simple *goodness* provided by Wufoo? I've searched the market-place - the packages have the functionality but not the UI exper…

I guess you sold me, now how about some TLC?

I'm trying to decide between Concrete5 and WordPress/Thesis. As I am just starting CMS, I think that I'd like to grow with you guys/gals (you certainly do make your system sound appealing). But, a friend just introduced me to the whole CMS thing through…

Another push..

Just did a new push, lots of little stuff particularly for add-on/theme developers who now also get their own private forums over here: Most obvious tho, check out the sweet new forums landing feed.

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