
Here goes

I finally got around to installing Concrete on my server today - the process went smoothly. I don't host with 1&1 but I found the instructions here - - useful. I have a few questions…

Page List Block to make a blog

Hello. I have a client that wants a very basic blog - just publishing articles, no comments, etc. I have read some about the page list block and think it might be suitable for this (can't shell out any more $ for blog addons). I swear there used to be…


I can't figure anything out. I have no web page. I can't change anything. Now what.

Date Nav displaying the wrong pages

So I am trying to use Date Nav to handle the listing of my blog pages. When I insert the block into the sidebar, I choose to display only the "ProBlog Post" page type, and "at this level" for location. Problem is the nav is displaying blog posts f…

Happy new year, site redesign soon!

Check the long winded news post on our new year plans Even has a screenshot of the new in there..…

Need Help - Fatal Error

Hello, sorry if I put this in the wrong category, wasn't sure... When I go to my site, I get this error: Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'ADODB_Exception' with message 'mysql error: [1054: Unknown column 'Pages.cPointerExternalLinkNewWindow' i…

10 Reasons Other Open Source Projects Are Not Your Enemy

I came across this article the other day. I immediately though of concrete5 even though this blog doesn't mention c5. As a frequent user to many different CMS solutions, Concrete5 is…

License Question

I have read a number of posts about licensing and it seems quite clear that under the MIT license I can pretty much do what I like with the software. Change it, re-brand it, sell it etc etc. I will be using the CMS in a commercial application that all…

C5 Systems Requirements - APC Ideal?

The system requirements for C5 here... ...mention that APC is part of the "ideal" configuration. Is that still true? -Steve

SEO Tags

Guys, I'm inserting my title and description meta tags into my sites home page Properties/Custom Attributes. Google however does not seem to be recognising these and inserting other text. Does anybody know what I am doing wrong please? Ian

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