Developing (v7+)

Display Top Level Parent Name

I'm trying to find the best way to dynamically insert the top level parent name for a side navigation. The code I'm using (below) seems to work fine. However, when I put it into a stack it freezes Concrete and I can no longer access the stack. As soon …

Best way to build references between blocks

I want to reference blocks from type A in type B. Saving the bID doesn't work because it changes every time a block is edited (the new version saved get's a new ID). My solution would be to add a custom ID field in type A, that stays the same over all …

Hardcode product attribute to product_detail.php

Hello everyone. Is it possible to hardcode product attributes to the product_detail.php file ? Normally I just use $product->getAttribute inside the display.php file: [code]$product->getAttribute('attributeHandle'); [/code] But this doesn't work…

64M upload limitation

I am trying to creata an online shop using Concrete 5. So far everything has been amazing, but now I am trying to upload Wav files. The majority of them are fine, but some of them are larger than 64mb, and I really want to be able to sell them on my sh…

Is there a way to duplicate an existing block?

Some blocks do not come with templates. This makes it hard to present the same block with multiple styles. Is there a way to duplicate a block so that it can be used to display the contents in a different way? Alternatively, is there a way to add custo…

Override core controllers in 5.6

Hi I want to override the form block controller, this has always been easy to do without over writting the core files, however i cant seem to do it. I've found the file /concrete/core/controllers/blocks/form_minisurvey.php But if i put it here: /cor…

Alternate page title in autonav in 5.6

Hi I have just upgraded a dev site to 5.6 which is nice, however the way that the autonav now handles the controller i can't see how to adapt it to suit... I need to have an autonav template that uses a page attribute if present rather than the page na…

Site Map blank choosing page for image href target

When I try to choose a page as a target for an image href - the site map appears blank, as does flat view. The search page has a list of all pages, but I am unable to select the url from that. The normal sitemap appears full, as does the site map if I at…

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