Developing (v7+)

Versions - showing wrong content when not logged in

hi everybody i'm quite new to concrete5, so i hope there will be a quick solution to my problem: i have been building my site without any major problems.. except one: when i'm not logged in, e.g. when i look at the site from another browser, it show…

Concrete5 marketplace account connect issues.

I have the website. and if I go to login etc all my stuff in linked to this account on concrete5 marketplace, but when I got to it asks me to connect my account again... and my stuff…

Home page personalization for users

My client is requesting a site where registered users could customize what is displayed on their personal "home page". For example a user may want to configure a news block to filter stories from a particular category such as "wealth management" or "Grou…

Isi it posiblle to do this whit c5

We are building a taxi resvation system and i wanted to know if concrete5 could work for this. The main feature that we are looking at are : Search box with auto enter localization, people enter where they go from and wehere they are going to , then th…

Release a license from project

Hey all I messed up and need to release a license from a project. Have gone to the normal spots to check if I can and can't find the release. Has this process changed and if so, what's the easiest way to accomplish the task? I haven't used the ite…

Basic questions I can't find the answers to

Hi there! I'm trying to build my web site with Concrete I'm migrating from an .html site. I have several questions that are probably very basic to this group, but I can't find the answers in the forums, and I'm hoping someone can help me out: …

remove permissions on global stack for group

So I have a group who have access to global stacks, I was able to limit the block types they can see, but how do I remove the "Permissions" button at the top of the Global stack, basically it says - Add Block Version History Permissions I want to…

What's the best way to overide a package?

So, for example, I need to be able to add a net-30 payment option to the eCommerce package that is only visible to a user when an attribute is set to true by an admin... So, I'll probably end up having to override some functionality. Since I'm new to …

Group permissions still not able to view File Manager

So I have a group that I have restrict some screens on the Dashboard. I then wanted them to view the File Manager because I realized they could not add images without viewing or writing to the File Manager. I went into my Full Site, showed System pages, w…

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