Developing (v7+)

Sortable Fancybox Gallery won't open...

Hello Everyone I've recently transferred my Concrete5 site from a testing server to the live server. Everything moved over fairly smoothly, however I have an issue with the Sortable Fancybox Gallery. When I go to add a block, the Sortable Fancybox G…

add java script

i try to add features content glider js but its not work can anyone help me

Custom Dashboard not showing.

Hi all, I have created a dashboard for a theme I have created. I have the necessary files in fact I just used some bits of code from other packages. Here it is: package controller: [code] class MySamplePackage extends Package { protected…

Conditional if thumbnail is selected

Hi all, I am working on a custom pagelist template and have page attributes which sets the size of each pagelist item (3 sizes in all) but I now also need some form of condition if a thmbnail isn't selected at all. Basically each of the pagelist ite…

Flash content only shows up in edit mode!

Hello, I have a swf file I want to to display but it only loads and works when I'm in edit mode. Outside of that, it's just a blank space. I first embedded the file within the actual page template but now I currently have the code in a Flash content bl…

Strange links to images ex. {CCM:FID_11}

Hello everyone. I've got a question about a strange link I am getting to an image. [code] [/code] I am using the TinyMCE editor that is provided with C5, however instead of saving the actual link to the image file it saves this strange link, {CCM:FID…

Deployment process - Need info..

So we have a development C5 site running on a RHEL box / LAMP. We have 2 developers working on the site and they work locally on their C5 install and check in code when they are ready in PERFORCE(P4). In P4 the directory structure is as follows.. /bloc…

Power Slider Lite (1.12)

I was wondering if anybody knew of a way of setting this up so the images rather than having a specified size in PX could be variable and fluid, just so my banners follow the header on my site when viewed on mobile platforms such as iOS. It's probably …

Search & Advanced Permissions

Hi All. If you are using advanced permissions and a block on a page has no read access for a specific group - when the user goes to the page the block is hidden... perfect. However, if the user then does a search the block that contains the content …

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