Developing (v7+)

Two sides of one site two backgrounds

Hi All, I have a client who has one site but his business has two distinct parts to it but they want them both to be on the same domain. They want exactly the same layout and backgrounds just different colours. I have c5wrap div which calls for the …


please how do i enable inline editing of my site

Handle data for large number of pages.

Hi all, I've looked through the forums and couldn't find any help - but maybe I missed it. I need to iterate over attribute data for 2000+ pages, taking what I need and outputting to a JSON data cache file. I've got it all working great in terms …

Skip current page in page list

Hello, I've been looking around to see if I could find any way to solve this jigsaw by myself, but I think I'm stuck. So, here's the setup : I have some pages which detail a work, and on each of them, there is a Page List that fetches and displays t…

Drop down menu, and password protection for pages

Hi All, I have started a bit of work on this site: Still a lot of pages to add, I was just adding a small amount of content to get a feel of everything, as I'm new to C5. I have two questions: The first is that …

Saving multiselect values using API

Hi all I'm creating a custom attribute which uses the inbuild form helper and select widget, like this: [code] echo $form->select($fieldPostName, $options, $fieldValue, array('multiple'=>'multiple')); print_r($fieldValue); [/code] This renders…

Add-on Error. Point me in the right direction please

I am using an add-on for an e-commerce site (Securepay payment gateway). I have posted this question onto the support tab for the Add-on but have not received any reply yet in over a week and I am desperate as the problem is stopping my client's website f…

How to add an block/stack area to a theme

The answer to this question may be far beyond what I'm capable of doing, but I was wondering if someone could help guide me through how to add an area to a theme. I want to be able to add an editable area above the header. I'd like to be able to put ano…

ecommerce product detail page

I would like to add a left sidebar to my product detail pages. I found the php file for the product detail in the ecommerce files, but have tried a couple additions to it with no luck. Is this something simple to customize?

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