Developing (v7+)

I'am looking for something

Hello, i have already used concrete 5 cms for 2 webpages static ones. but now i'am something different. I was considering to make the website in wordpress but now i want the site in concrete, it works so fine and simple. But i'am missing one funct…

Display Address Form Field

I have an "address" attribute called "address". How do I go about displaying the attribute form field (to register a new basically there is no user object at this point?) I initially tried: [code] [/code] But this is just a r…

How to return True if current page is being rendered

I'm trying to get the template to add class names into areas by checking if the page is currently being rendered. Trying to keep the code nice and clean so ideally just need a function which will return true if the page is current - i.e. isCurrentPage(…

Can't Move Blocks in Global Areas

The theme I'm using (Axis) has a sitewide footer area, and everything about it works perfectly. The only problem is that I can't move blocks within the area. Once a block is down there, it's stuck in one position unless I delete and recreate it. Is there …

problem choosing file from asset library

hi guys, im having a problem where my asset library loads but won't let me choose any images or files? Do i need to load some sort of helper to allow the javascript of the asse library to function properly? [code] $al = Loader::helper('concrete/ass…

Attribute value for custom property

I saw a class of FileAttributeValue.In it they have a method called getValue('$mode=false'). I am new to this concrete 5.Can anybody tell me how do I use this method in my code. Actullally I inserted a new custom property called object and now I want …

How to use custom captchas in contact forms

Is it possible to use custom captchas in the contact forms? I would like to use this captcha as an alternative to the standard concrete5 captcha

Website displays differently on different computers

Hi The website that I have constructed using the Bildpunkt theme looks fine on my desktop computer, but when I look at it on my laptop - both using Safari - the fonts are smaller and the headings laid out slightly differently. Any ideas what's happe…

Html website with 5 different pages and layouts

Hello! ,I am a newbie with cocrete5 and I want some help. I have a static web site with 5 pages (e.g. home,contact,news ,company,products) and each page has a different layout . I follow step by step the above tutorial and I manage to convert the first …

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