Developing (v7+)

Zend send mail attachments

I have followed this and other examples about using Zend_Mail in Concrete5 for extending mail support, but I have problem sending attachments. Mail is sent, attachment is displayed as icon/name but size is either 0 or "unknown" if li…

Crazy Slate header

Somehow the header on all my pages is stretched so it is HUGE. Anyone know how to fix this? Thanks, Annelies

What is t('text')? It seems to not work for me...

I'm following the FAQ single page listing how-to but I am having an issue with [code] [/code] I am guessing it's a shorthand of echo, but it's not printing out anything for me? For example with: [code] [/code] I am not seeing the te…

ccm-toolbar showing even when signed out

I am seeing only the white background of the ccm-toolbar even when I'm not logged into C5. This seems like a conflict with C5 and an add-on or something. The error I see in the console is as follows: [code] missing ; before statement http://ballet…

Sharethis code

Hi - we are getting a strange problem with the Sharethis code as per the suggested approach. Here is the code we have placed as additional code in the Head of the page under page custom properties: [code]var switchTo5x=true; stLight.options({publis…

ecommerce: customer choice -> summing up checked values

Hi, what I'm trying to achieve is if I add a customer choice (multiple checkboxes) to a product I would like to have displayed the sum of the checked values so the customer will know how much he has to pay for the extras. EXAMPLE: [code] [/cod…

Links showing up in tag search result descriptions

I wonder if anyone can help me. I have a section on my site that acts like a blog and am using tags as links to sort the categories. When I click on the tag link, the search result displays the site name along with all the links in the left sidebar before…

Image block that is 90 x 90

I have a section with 4 images that have to be 90 x 90. I know it's a section that clients will change. If I use an image block, and the client swaps in a new image, I'd like it to remain 90 x 90 (i.e. if they upload something new, I'd like concrete…

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