Developing (v7+)

Gallery with webcam image

I would like to add webcam image that changes every few minutes. It`s basically jpg that changes, like website.image1.jpg. I can do that with html, but is there any gallery addon that would pull image directly from url without uploading that image to file…

Pass arguments from one page to another

Hello all, I am trying to generate a list of links that when clicked, they should take the user to another page where the detail of the clicked item is shown. [code] foreach ($table as $row) { echo ''; echo $row[1]; echo ""; ec…

Okay gang, It's no secret that we pushed 5.5.2 up pretty quickly last week. Business politics forced our hand and being fast became important. Now that we've gone and done that, a number of small but embarrassing bugs have emerged. Some of these came …

Display file manager contents in page?

Is there a way to display the content of the file manager in a page? I would like to have one page that displays all "public" files from all users sitewide, and another that displays only those files that were uploaded by a specific user. (Ideally, he la…

AutoNav in browsers

Hello, I'm builing websites for some clients, who need an easy way to have their own website. For the AutoNav I took this ( to buil an own template (customized), but there are sone differences…

Get and check All Parents/Grandparents page attributes....

Hi I need to assign a page attribute to a top level page, which then is recognized by all the child pages below it... I hav ethis but it's not working, can anyone give me a pointer please? [code] $parent = Page::getByID($c->getCollectionParentID()); …

Creating a file from a block

Hello, I have created a block. In the blocks 'view.php' i create a new file and write some text to it. I then want to link to the file below it. The file is not being created=, i have checked all of the directories... Is there something I need to a…

New block isn't recognized for installing

Hi everybody, I'm currently testing a new block (the facebook comments from the c5tutorials) and tried to add it to my site, So i've put it at /opt/lampp/htdocs/concrete5.5.1/blocks/facebook_comment (where all the files are, gave them the 777 rights to …

Picnik in 5.4

Will there be an update for concrete5 5.4.x that swaps out picnik with the new built-in image editor? We have built a few websites on c5 5.4 with quite a few custom additions, that will take some effort to upgrade to 5.5. Since picnik will cease to wor…

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