Developing (v7+)

Can pagestatistics only insert if page_type == blog_entry ?

pagestatistics is sure busy table and bulk :) thats why i want to minimal the insert record by filtering with blog_entry. pagestatistics only insert record if page type is blog_entry. i look into pagestatistics(page_statistics.php) class, but there…

On block save, execute background function

Hi all I've created a custom map block which geocodes the addresses when the block is saved. Trouble is, to avoid Google's query limits I've had to implement a delay in the geocoding, but this means the user has to sit looking at a spinner for 10-15 se…

Render a page with a different view (pagetype)

I like to present a page with a different pagetype for different users. So when a type x user sees the page, it's different then the presentation for user type y. For that i have two pagetypes. Any idea's how-to override the pagetype runtime??

transfer files

Hi, I'm a rank amateur at web sites and with using a Mac. I built a web site using a standard Mac template. After that I went to Hostmonster and opened my new domain. I selected and downloaded Concrete5 to see if I could build a site using that platef…

Store object in $_SESSION

Hello, I need to store an object in the user's php session, the problem is PHP needs to know the class of the object before calling session_start(). What I've done is to manually include my library before c5 includes the startup/session.php script, ho…

Problem with getting User List for my Plugin

[code] Loader::model('user_list'); $userList = new UserList(); $userList->sortBy('uName', 'asc'); if ($userList->getTotal() == 0) { } else { $users = $userList->get(); /* echo ""; print_r($users); echo ""; */ } [/code] …

SOLVED: Generate a thumbnail for image added to block

I used Jordan Lev's Designer Content Add-On to create a new block that has a field for selecting an image from the File Manager. I'm creating a custom page_list template that has to create two blocks of HTML content to be output onto the page for use in …

horizontal gaps between divs in IE8

I've built this site ( which looks fine in the latest versions of Firefox, Chrome and Safari, but in IE8 on XP there are horizontal gaps between the divs near the left bottom of the page, and the drop-down menu doesn…

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