Developing (v7+)

Config file security

Hi, we're running an install of C5 behind a load balancer and recently got an alert that someone tried to access /concrete/config/database.php via a browser URL. It didn't load, but did cause an issue with the load balancer. The security team are …

Looking to override block_footer_view.php

I'm looking to override block_footer_view.php in concrete/elements/ I see that in 8.3.2, it is referenced in BlockView.php, line 175 $this->setBlockViewFooterFile(DIR_FILES_ELEMENTS_CORE . '/block_footer_view.php'); What would be the recommended wa…

Direct display of images on a page according to attributes

Hello After several attempts, I can not do what I want. I turn to you if you have a solution. My photos have a "product" attribute. On the example attached, I have selected for this photo 2 products. I would like to display on a page all photos t…

C5-8.3: how to use select and color form widgets?

I have the following in the form.php: [code] $color->output('color', $color, array('showAlpha' => 'false')); echo $form->select('fonts', $fonts, $font); [/code] and controller.php: [code] edit(){ $this->set('font', $font); // $font - user selected…

C5-8.3: how to get path to folder for file list?

I need to list file names from a folder in a select dropdown box. 1. Should I use absolute or relative path to the folder? 2. How do I get that path in form.php before the block is added? The following only works in view.php but not in the form.php: …

C5-8.3: how to handle datetime picker

Following this: I can't get the datetime picker to work. I tried the following: form.php: [code] echo $app->make('helper/form/date_time')->da…

Express Form database error

Hi, I am running C5 8.4 RC2, I have tryied to add forms through the new form block, choosing the option New Form, but when I try to save it I get a database error. Should I try to build the form from the dashboard creating an entity or object? I wa…

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