Developing (v7+)

How To Limit the Number of Times a User Is Logged In

Is there a way to limit the number of times a user is logged into a Concrete5 site? If I am selling memberships and access to the members only area of a website, I want a user to be able to be logged in only once and if a user is logged in and if someone…

show plain database query

This is a bit of a noob question but is there a way to display what e.g. SQL-query C5 makes out of [code] $db->query("INSERT INTO someTable (bla, blubb) values (?, ?)", $data); [/code] (or any other query) ?!

Load iframe content based on form

Hi guys, I would like to set up a way to load an iframe into my Concrete5. The URL of the iframe should depend on a form submitting the required information (it's for a booking site, where the users selects the date and then the iframe URL should include…

Changing an attribute's underlying data type.

Hello kind people, So I've inherited a concrete5 app with a User Attribute that is the wrong data type. Its a vimeo reference number stored as a number - it should be text. Does anyone have a strategy for dealing with this? Could I just change the d…

Concrete5 and the occasional white screen of death

Hi all Sometimes I get the white screen of death in Concrete5 and nothing in the php/apache error logs even tho i have set [code] error_reporting = E_ALL display_errors = On [/code] in my php.ini. This makes the bugtracking almost impossible…

Updating an Addon fails

When I attempt to update any of my Addons or the theme, I get this message: Unable to backup old package directory to /var/www/vhosts/ The /files directory and all of it's subdirectories are CHMOD'd to 777, so that's…

Search filters and addons

Hi, I am very new with Concrete5 moving over from Joomla, so bear with me if my questions are stupid. Does Concrete5 have any other market places or are they all confined to this main site? When you purchase a module or addon, do you need to purc…

Loading URLs into an iFrame

I'm not a developer thought I'd start with that. I have a site with links to external URLs, I'd like to pull those external URLs into an iFrame on another page in my site. Is there a way to do this automatically. I can create a page with iFrame for ea…

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