Developing (v7+)

Newest block first

So i want my concrete 5 site to put the newest added block in the top of the site and not in the bottom and under the other blocks i made. Is this possible and if so, can someone please explain how to do it, i cant seem to find a good solution to this.

Concrete 5.5 Composer not saving drafts correctly

Hi all, I'm just poking around with v5.5 to see if the Composer functionality will work for a site I'm working on. I've got the "Blog Entry" page setup for use with Composer... and I have all of the fields I want showing in the order I want. The pr…

Project has disappeared from Community

I have a website which was connected to the community but it seems to have disappeared from my list. If I try to connect the site to the community I get a message saying that my token is already in use. However my site is giving me a message saying tha…

Sitemap API help

Hello all, does anybody know if there is a way via the API to rearrange the order of child pages under a certain collection ID based on a custom page attribute (date attribute) inside the sitemap? (not using 5.5) Thanks.

Database tables foreign key error

I'm trying to create several database tables in a db.xml file. However I keep getting an error related to the foreign key constraints. This is what I have: [code] , foreign key(group_id) references BuilderGroup(id) , foreig…

Auto Nav linking to anchor links on same page

Hi all, I need to make an Auto Nav menu at the top of the page which will contain 6 links. Each link will be below the menu on one long page. Each anchor link is a section header image which I've added to its own block ( Add Block > Content > Add Image…

Lightbox addition to single image..possible?

Hello, I'm looking for an addon that will give me a function of adding a lightbox to an image and when the user clicks on the thumbnail it will open up to a real size image. The difficulty I'm having is that I want it to only be one image, and not a…

Problem with Zoom Image in Chrome

Hey All, The Zoom Image addon works perfectly in Firefox and IE, but for some odd reason it doesn't seem to actually going to the right size will only launch a thumbnail size version. Any way to fix this?…

Header logo link no longer goes to home page, href is empty

This was working fine until recently, I'm not sure when or what has broken it. The following code, used to generate a link to the home page. Now it goes to whatever page you are on, and when I looked at the source the href is empty. I have the same design…

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