Developing (v7+)

Single Page with Dynamic Content?

Howdy all, Very new to C5, but very pleased with it so far. I'm working on an idea and was hoping someone could let me know if I'm thinking it through correctly for C5 implementation. Basically, I want the user to select a Musician Name from a li…

Tag a before tag img

I have a problem: I want that the my client could inset in the main block a image and the cms write: [code][/code] I need this to create a lightbox... in the theme. It is possible? Maybe with php? An alternative would be if I could (with php) have…

Pie chart of form data

Hi all, So this seems like a pretty basic / fundamental question but I can see that a Survey block can return a pie chart (or any other chart?) of results so how can I do the same thing (i.e. a chart) but with the data that was entered into a Form bloc…

Conditional Form redirect depending on form data

Hi, I have a pretty basic / fundamental requirement and that is to have users fill in a form with various text, checkbox and radio button controls but then depending on which options they check (in the checkboxes or radio buttons etc) redirect to diffe…

Need help on installing JavaScript

I want to add the js below on my page How can add this to my page? Erik var BS_tag = '82ab77de-214b-f779-410d-9f5277c3dd07'; var BS_tw = 'auto'; var BS_th = 'auto'; document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='https://www.a…

What's the best solution for streaming audio from concrete 5?

Hello, I just downloaded concrete 5 and this is my very 1st experience with cms... So far so good... I do a radio show and people have asked me to do some podcasts. While researching on the subject before posting, I found a lot (and not always very …

Menu Page not Live

The website in question is, for some reason the "About" page is not live and I've looked at everything I can think of but can't find how to fix this - it used to work. Can anyone help here?

Show top level parent in side navigation

Hi there, I have a layout in which there are two nav bars per page. One is the main navigation bar which shows only the top level pages across a top horizontal navigation bar. When you click onto one of these pages, the side navigation bar will show al…

Your site token is already in use.

I removed a site project from My Projects on the site and now I'm trying to connect it again and its not working. I put in my user and pass and get the error: "Your site token is already in use." Is there anyway to fix this so that…

Auto-Nav list "shifts" when hovering over it

I added an auto-nav to some of my pages, selecting the "beneath a specifc page" option. This is hard to explain what happens, but when I point to the auto-nav list on the page, it "shifts" and adds extra space beneath the last item, pushing down any bl…

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