Developing (v7+)

Need help with a payment gateway

I'm used to running cards manually in my shop for phone orders, and also for online sales made via and, but for sales on my website I realize that capturing cc info and having it on the server is a security issue. Can anyone sugges…

Programmatically editing page-title of single page

Hello everyone. I've created a single page that kind of works like a blog. I link to this page by using an ID, like this: And this single page then retrieves the correct content from the database and displays it. …

Parsing {CCM} Elements from C5 Content

Right now I'm pulling content for some areas directly through database queries. (I.e. Directly from btContentLocal) What I've realised is that if someone specifies an image or link to a page through the C5 text edit interface - it comes up with: [code…

How to get block data?

I'm currently working on a theme template. For example I have an "article" template, and within that template I need to access the data of the block "volume". I know that I can get lots of the collection data with: [code]$pobj = Page::getCurrentPage()…

Edit Mode Stylesheet Links Won't Go Away

So I'm about to turn over a site to my client for launch. Then my client emails me and tells me "hey, there's this blue bar on this one single page on my website." It turns out there's a CSS rule on the body tag that reads: [code]margin: 49px 0 0 !i…

rendering custom attributes :: values spilling over

I make use of c5's custom attributes - similar to the address type. My problem can be replicated by simply placing multiple address type attributes within any category as typical (i.e. user). In the Dashboard, when the custom attribute's $ak->render('…

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