Developing (v7+)

Server side includes, xml, text from another file

I'm looking to have a simple xml file which several pages from my site automatically pulls particular info from it. Example XML file: [code] $3.299 $3.399 $3.299 [/code] On my AV page, I want the site to automatically pull the $3.299 from the …

Text styles not working

Hi, This is my first Concrete5 site, so I may be missing something but... I specified text styles in my template's .css file. These didn't show up in the 'Edit Content' block. So I looked on the forums and it seems I need to use a typography.css fi…

Loading does not finish...

Hi I'm having an issue where whatever i do, whether it is in the dashboard or editing a page, 90% of tasks will not complete. If i refresh the page, the task has been carried out and i can continue to work as normal. I have no idea what this is, but i…

Creating a permission based Knowledge Base

Hi Guys, Would be great to get your input on the best method of achieving what I need to do regarding the creation of a clients Knowledge Base. I'll start off by giving an overview of how it will roughly need to work. There are to be 3 different use…

Questionnaire or Quiz Add-on

Is there an add-on that will allow for people to take quizes then show the percentage of the score after the quiz is taken? Maybe saves that score to the database?

Display group name?

Hi guys, Just wondered if anyone could help me out, i'm trying to display the 'group name' of a logged in member. I've achieved displaying their member name and a few other attributes using the following code: [code]$u = new User(); $ui = UserInfo…

Site building process with concrete5 - designer view

I've spent the last week or so, very pleased with Concrete5, the possibilities it gives me. I've only been learning web design for about 5 months, and what I love most about it is seeing my code turn into a living, breathing web page/site. Until now, I…

Data Display Conditional Statements

Does anyone know how to get the Data Display add-on to not show a field if it is empty? I've created a list template that spits out the info of dealers. However there are several fields that are blank ie) Toll Free numbers, Fax, website etc.. http…

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