Developing (v7+)

How to display Date Attribute?

After creating a custom attribute of the type Date/Time........ how do you get it to show on a page?? getAttributeValue?? DisplayValue??? I am trying to arrive at something of this sort: $cobj->getCollectionDatePublic('F j, Y'); but for a custom…

Custom Content Block Typography.CSS - Package

Hello, Is there a way to link to a typography.css file for a custom content block? I'm creating a custom content block that different users/groups work with and it contains different buttons available than the "advanced" or "office" versions of the…

data storing

Is there a way to store data something scrapbooks but diffrent?

Internet explorer problem with scrolling

Hi Concrtet5 Community OK i have finsihed a web site design and customised one of the default themes, the site works perfectly and have just gone live. How ever i design and tested the site using chrome and firerfox, and only quick testing on explorer …

How To Show User Last Login Date In Dashboard

I would like to have each user's actual date/time of last login show up in the Dashboard just like the "Date Added" does now in the Find Users tab. It is easy enough to create a custom user attribute and get it to show up on the Dashboard's "Find Users…

Form Submission Sent to Email Address

As a coding novice, I have -no- idea how to make custom php forms. No clue how to make external forms work...and I wonder if that's even necessary. I have a question/comment contact form set up with the provided c5 forms [not an external form]. All I n…

Foxycart integration

Can anyone give me some tips on how they are integrating Foxycart into their C5 sites? I would look into changing to a solution that is already easy to integrate, but my company is already set up with FC. There are a few old posts about this, but there ne…

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