Developing (v7+)

Image resize (thumb image) keeps the aspect ratio

Hi, I am looking for a simple solution that keeps the aspect ration on getThumbnail() function. $ih = Loader::helper('image'); $thumb = $ih->getThumbnail($image, 307, ?); In this case I only need to re-size width, the height will automatically …

Backend Text Selection Highlight

I had two page attributes 'short-description' and 'description', both of them associated with rich text editor. In Add Page (in the back end) after typing text in the "description" or "short description" boxes, you can't highlight or cut and paste the …

How to handle db object errors

Hello all , I am building a block for concrete5 and i am stuck at this issue : $db = Loader::db($DB_SERVER_REMOTE,$DB_USERNAME_REMOTE,$DB_PASSWORD_REMOTE,$DB_DATABASE_REMOTE,true); I want when this is not true to catch the error and display it p…

Moving Site Issue

I developed a replacement site on concrete5 for an existing nonprofit site in another CMS. The site is hosted at dreamhost who provided us with 2 domains. I used the second (unused) domain to develop and debug the concrete5 site (my first). Today was move…


Hi I am trying to add a new add-on to a site that is connected to the community - - but I do not have access to it's project page. I have purchased the add-on through my own password and username connecting me to the community…

Problem with static content

I would like to change the look of proevent single posts - For this i used the blog_entry and changed it for me. But now the problem i stuck at. I like to show all upcomming events in the single_event post at the sidebar. Ok now i can place a new block i…

How to strip my inline styles for flexible images

Howdy good peoples, I have some CSS that is getting overwritten from the inline styles that are produced when you insert an image block/content block (with image). My question is where can I find the php that outputs these inline styles exactly? I…

Getting JQuery into a Block!

I have finally taken the giant step and looked to add jquery onto my site. I have all the files ready and have ftp'd them over to my themes folder. When I try to drop the html that holds the j query component, it wrecks the page and doesn't allow …

Image uploads for blocks.

I imagine this is a commonly asked question, but I could not find the answer I was looking for in these forums, or in the form docs. I am making a block, and I want to be able to upload images with a fixed size of 128x128. I'm digging through the he…

Error after PHP upgrade on server

Hi All I am getting multiple ewrrors on a website that had been working for over a year prior to my host upgrading their PHP. Now I am getting the following errors in the dashboard and the page that I have a calender in is displaying: parameter 2 to…

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