Developing (v7+)

Problems w/ Superfish block and Typography Theme

I'm trying to use the Superfish Nav instead of the custom nav that comes with the Typography theme. The alignment of the dropdown menus is coming out distorted and many of them are blank. It also pushes the entire content of the page down when the menus…

Typography Theme and Superfish Nav

I'm trying to use the Superfish Nav instead of the custom nav that comes with the Typography theme. The alignment of the dropdown menus is coming out distorted and many of them are blank. It also pushes the entire content of the page down when the menus…

excluding users from the members list

I tried setting up a checkbox as a user attribute and then filtering on that, like: [code]$userList->filterByExcludeFromDirectory(1, '!=');[/code] Oddly, that would only filter out the super user, and no others... So I came up with this kind of jan…

type_form() not called

I'm working on a new attribute type and everything appears to be installed and working except C5 is not calling the type_form() method in my controller. I have extended the AttributeTypeController and made certain the type_form() method is public, but no …

Hard-coding images into block templates

I need to include an image in a custom block template. To locate the image (which I've placed in an 'images' folder with the template) I'm using this PHP: echo str_replace($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'], '', $this->getBlockPath()) . '/templates/templatename…

Single pages and themes

I am making a package that will add some single pages. I want all these single pages to be just like other pages (same nav bar etc). How can that be done? I have added a theme to the package, the file default.php is added. For single pages one must ad…

Adding secure web forms to my C5 site

I am developing a site for a client who needs one of the forms on the site secured with SSL and use HTTPS. Originally I thought I'd get the SSL certificate set up and use the Force SSL block to force the HTTPS. However, it turns out that the way their ser…

Already logged in at community

Hi there, I just released a website of my own on a live server, and now I want to make it a project. However, when I had the site at my localhost, I neglected to create this as a project. And now when ever I log in through dashboard it says that I…

Block Javascript stuck in HEAD after block's deleted?

Hey all, I'm experiencing an issue with the javascript that is inserted by a block not being removed from the page after the block has been deleted. In this case, the Google Map block. I have deleted the block from my page and the page is still loa…

Concrete5 on Steroids- Take two

I have made a file that takes some of the ideas from the concrete on steroids thread and incorporates them into a new file. Attached is one file, view.php. Put it in your sites root/libraries folder, and see the improvement! This is not as complete as pha…

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