Developing (v7+)

A block with 2 views -- on the page VS. in a modal -- possible?

I created an Advanced Form, then added it as a block to my page for adding content. Additionally, I hard-coded some extra DIVs into the block's view.php to prep the form for a jQuery sliding panel with a tab at the bottom for toggling visibility. This w…

Disqus for C5 calling on php instead of Javascript

Hi all, I'm sure many of you have had a look at the Disqus comments system and thought about using it for your blog. It's a great way of encouraging interaction on your blog. Katz has done a great job of getting Disqus working on your Concrete5 blog…

Search indexing of Single Page content

Does hardwired (php-generated) content in Single Pages get indexed for site search? Do Single Pages get indexed at all, beyond their Title? From my preliminary experiments it seems like they do not. If the answer is no by default, can I wrap content in a …

Content Slider Addon

Hello all! I've started creating sites with concrete5 for a little while now, and was in need of an addon. Hopefully one of the people here can help me out further: The idea is having a list with items (news items) and next to it a picture. I'd call…

I'm having problem with pretty url

I have enable pretty url in my site still i didn't get any pretty url. all i got id &&??/// in my url. pls sum one should help me. here is the link to my site. thanks in advance

theme with Add ons

Hello community, Just a quick one , I am finishing a theme and I would like to know if I am allowed to pack with it one or more free add-ons from the market place. Regards, Paulo Carvalho

What approach to take in order to build place reviews website?

Hi. I want to develop a simple website, where users can easily add reviews for various places located on a map. The basic entity would be a 'Place', which will be represented in a database. Places should be accessible from a list, some sorting and filt…

Need advice

Hello, I am web manager/webmaster for a fairly large corporate website. We currently use SiteCore commercial CMS, and I hate it and we are changing (far to many reasons to list, but it sucks for us). While searching for a new system. I had meetings with…

Is Concrete5 the right CMS for me?

Hello all, I have recently discovered Concrete5 as I am working on two different web sites: one is a simple corporate site, and Concrete5 is perfect for it, but the other one is a bit specific and I need a bit of advice on how to build it. It is a commun…

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