Developing (v7+)

Add Page Programmatically

I am trying to establish an AJAX process that adds a Page. I am attempting to load any Libraries and Models needed. Have checked this post for confirmation of coding:…

The Best Page Redirect Addon

All of the other redirect addons in the marketplace are blocks, blocks that you place on a page. Q: So what happens if you want to change or remove the redirect? A: You have to use versions to go back to before you placed the block. So I made 2 add…

You haven't written a message!

Ever since I installed concrete5 I have had a problem with blocks such as comments and private messages. I'm finding it really hard to track it down but I think it's probably something to do with validation. If, for example, I try to add a comment to t…

Positioning stacked editable areas

[ ] I have text that sits on a background. Each page in the site has a different background so I have created the code above to allow my client to change both. The 'content' and …

You are logged in as (Real Name)

I am building a membership site and want to include on every page the following: You are logged in as John Doe. Logout. Basically, same as is in the default footer, but instead of using the username, I want to use the person's real name pulled from…

How can I swith "Master" and "Stage" for a project?

I have a project with 2 instances: "Master" at a given URL (www.domain.ext) and "Stage" at another URL (dev.domain.ext). However, I declared the development site first, and then the production one. Now, my main URL is tagged "Stage", how can I switch th…

About FileSets and FileLists

So I'm building a basic block that does the following (summary): 1) shows the list of available filesets to the user 2) displays the list of files (optionally with attributes) in the block for the page view -- I'm fine with generating the list of avai…

view.css & view.js not loading when calling a block from the api

Hi! I made a new template for the autonav (concrete so i created the following: blocks/autonav/templates/mynewnav/view.php blocks/autonav/templates/mynewnav/view.css blocks/autonav/templates/mynewnav/view.js Now, when I include this na…

Best way to add custom page template to C5?

I have a form that I want to add to the website I am converting over to C5. I don't want to make it a block as there really is no need to make it a block (with it's call to mysql overhead). In other words little is likely to change in this form bloc…

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