Developing (v7+)

form with columns

I'd like to build a form with columns - something a bit like this: - but can't see that it's possible using the standard form block. Do I need to use an external form? Not really sure how they work. I don't know any htm…

Same page type but different sets of defaults?

Is it possible? There are so many pages that I want to use left_sidebar. But they're broken down into different categories and I would like to have different sets of defaults for them. Trying to create a new page type, but it's not letting me reuse the…

Block Install - Something up with db.xml?

Hi Everyone Can't find an answer to this and its frustrating me when I install me block in to my test environment i get the attached error and no block available. my db.xml code is below.. [code] …

TinyMCE - setting contents in editor

I've trying to set contents to a TinyMCE editor in a block add/edit screen. [code] tinyMCE.init({mode:"textareas"}); tinyMCE.get("editor").setContent("test"); // when alert runs, the editor has content "test" // but after the alert, the contents a…

Header Navigation: Cannot select in Edit Mode

Hi all, I am still a newbie with c5. I have the following problem: I enter Edit mode and see my header navigation with its standard typography style (the red dotted border) but I can`t select it. Anybody had this issue before? I am not sure why... …

Need help with login/cookies

I have been trying to install concrete5 into directory and use htaccess to bypass the directory name. So far everything seems to work fine, except concrete5 will not recognize my log in session if I by pass the directory name. http://www.concrete5.o…

SQL oddity

I've been trying to work out a strange issue I'm having with the Loader::db. I uploaded via phpmyadmin a table into the C5 database that contains a list of words and associated information organized by id numbers. Most of the words can be queried just fin…

When to use tables for data vs. pages

I realize there may not be an exact answer to this, but I'd like to get people's take and understanding on this idea. Examples: 1. I have a membership database and need to work with the individual member records 2. I have a list of restaurants in th…

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