Developing (v7+)

CSS styling for "selected" page on AutoNav?

Is there a way, using the AutoNav, to show the user what page he or she is on? In other words, can I automate the nav somehow so that when the user is on one page, the page title in the nav list is a different color? Thanks for any guidance!

Could use some custom PHP form help!

I'm trying to find what (I THOUGHT) was simple enough to do... and I'm finding it harder and harder as I spend hour after hour killing myself over it! I need a form to do simply this: 1. collect some basic information 2. use a captcha to block out sp…

Allow user edit and add pages but no dashboard

I've added a user who does not belong to a group. I want them to be able to go to any page on their site and edit, add pages, approve, delete, etc, but NOT access the dashboard. I've given this user every ability but "Admin" "manually" using advanced p…

Page List by Attribute

I found a lot of post about patching the pagelist for filter by attribute, but nothing realy completed. Is there any code that is easy to drop in to filter pagelist by a page attributes? need for a demo.

Helper Overrides

Hi, I need to override the avatar helper (amongst others) in and can not. I know this has been discussed a few times, but I wondered a solution was ever arrived at? I'm searching and not turning up a lot... Thanks.

Changing images and autonav based on language

Hi all, I have a two-language site (Spanish and English) and have set up my template's images and auto-navs to display either English or Spanish alternatives depending on the URL - here's my sitemap so you can see how the content is set up: Home (ch…

cannot save textarea attribute content!!!

i posted this already in the "editing with ..." forum, but maye its beter here: i have a major problem with the text field attribute of all pages. I CAN'T SAVE any changes i do in the text field, when i go to the attributes directly through properti…

Double form widget attributes

I build form widgets like: [code] print $form->label('name', "Name: "); print $form->text('name', "", array('maxlength' => 70, 'size' => 40, 'onblur' => "check('name');")); [/code] but when I look into page source I see this: [code] Name: [/cod…

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