Developing (v7+)

User profile file attribute

I search the forum but can't find anything on that. I've activated the user profile and registration, created some user custom attributes. Then by default I saw that File attribute was not activated for users so I checked it in the dashboard to be able…

Setup a Custom Content Block I need each of the numbered blocks displayed in the image above to be a content area. How can I set up a simple block to have a set size, background colour, padding etc.?

Decimal values lost

Who has this problem, how to fix it? After inserting a decimal value (ie 3.14145) into a text field (any text field, in add or edit mode) the decimal gets lopped off and the displayed value is before the decimal point. Anyone fixed this? Is this in …

PHP Get CSS Theme path

I am trying to load some css form the them dir and I don't know php and my dev's aren't online for a few hours how do I do this correctly... [code]$this->addHeaderItem($html->css('/css/forms.css'));[/code]

Tip: Regenerate your site's cache for Concrete 5.4

Concrete 5.4 contains improvements to the way that caching is handled, but on some sites or servers, there may be a significant delay on each initial page load. Once it's been visited once, however, it'll pull from cache, and you'll enjoy the performance …

the defualt Theme quesiton (header)

this code in the default theme looks for a block to display, if not just displays the site name. How do you rename a content block so it will loadit? [code] [/code]

Iphone theme

I setup a site with the theme and works great, but I would like to have users that hit the main site to be sent to, If using an Iphone or Driod? -Frank

setBlockLimit() seems not working on 5.4.0RC1

Hi folks! I've successfully installed the 5.4.0RC1 on a subdomain root. I've uploaded one of my "stress test" theme and it seems that setBlockLimit() does not working on 5.4.0RC1. I've performed a string search for "setBlockLimit" using 'find' and 'gre…

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