Developing (v7+)

Unit tests?

Are there unit tests available for concrete5? I find that looking at unit tests is a great way to get to know an API; and, of course, well-tested code is dependable code. If there aren't tests, or they haven't been made public, is there any interest in…

pagelist block with subpages and/or dates options

Has anyone extended the pagelist block to include subpages in the way that the autonav does? I'd like to output a page list in much the same way that the sitemap does. Also, along those same lines, it would come in *very* handy to have options for "dat…

Empty blocks

Hi! I've learnt to use the code [CODE] [/CODE] That prints out the sidebar DIVs only if there is a blocks in this area. Now I would wan't the sidebar to show up depending on if there's blocks in the Main-area, so instead of …

Installing code in a frame

Hello, I have just begun using Concrete5, I would like to install some code into a frame. Does anyone know how I would install a frame? Thanks Tom

search fails on certain words (not stopwords)

These are not stopwords, they are common words such as "example" and "other". We have found this failure this in multiple installations. A search for "example" on the concrete5 site also fails to find any results. "Although "example" is not found "…

url function working incorrectly. Using wrong define in code?

I noticed this when setting the search block to post to another page. The resulting url still has 'index.php' in it. It is not respecting the url rewriting. The reason is that there seems to be some confusion in the code between URL_REWRITING and URL_REW…

javascript content error

Hi Guys I'm getting an issue with some javascript that works fine outside of concrete, but once I build it into a page it breaks the slideshow gallery and doesn't work but only in IE 7 and Firefox on my PC, works great on my Mac with Firefox and Safari…

Setting A Theme Based On User Selection

I am trying to develop a "freebies" section on my website where i will be offering free themes for c5 and magento. I want to know, is it possible to have the theme change, similar to what happens on Themeforest when you select a live preview. I only need…

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