Developing (v7+)

Returning page attributes with AJAX

Full disclosure before I start; never touched AJAX before, just sort of stumbled through it this weekend as it seems the only way to work some functionality I need, so may be doing this very wrong, and what I'm ultimately trying might not even be possible…

Header image with CTA / overlay text

I've looked through the add-ons but can't seem to find anything that can do what I want. I have the Fundamental theme, which has so fare fit all my needs except this one - I want to have an overlay of a transparent background and text that can be a click…

what names space is Log::add_entry() ?

Hi, I am using I REALLY need a Log function. I found some stuff that led me to this line of code: [code] Log::addEntry("SpaSelector saveValue(" . $data . ")", $logType = null);[/code] But I get the error: Class 'Concrete\Attribute\SpaS…

Easily synchronize your website content with Mainio Sync

We just submitted a new upcoming add-on to the PRB few moments ago. It is called Mainio Sync and it allows you to easily synchronize the concrete5 website's content with another instance. In case you are for example developing client sites locally and the…

Undocumented Loader::helper('lists/countries'); ????

Hi, Can someone tell me what this does or how this works? [code][/code] The only docs I can find say "helper" is shorthand to load a class instance. I can find no Class Lists or Class countries and nothing with a member GetCountries() in any of th…

Url masking issue

I built a landing page for a Primary care center. I used a generic domain name for the sake of facebook campaign... But now the hospital wants to use the domain name: Th…

Pop-up overlay addon

Hi everyone I urgently need an addon to display a pop-up upon pageload. Unfortunately, opt-in does not work in version Any suggestions?

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