Developing (v7+)

social login

Hello All, I am trying to create a social login add on. How to do this from my custom add on block section. Please help.

How to get thumbnail url

Before this I was able to get image URL for background-image in page list using $img->getTag()->src; //this gives me the thumbnail url However, now I want to use the responsive feature for thumbnail, so I did this in page_theme.php public functio…

Leverage browser cache

I recently learned about setting browser cache in htaccess ## EXPIRES CACHING ## ExpiresActive On ExpiresByType image/jpg "access 1 year" ExpiresByType image/jpeg "access 1 year" ExpiresByType image/gif "access 1 year" ExpiresByType image/png "a…

topics for news

Hi this is my first post hope this is ok. I am having a issue with topics. i believe i have it all set up correctly. when ever i try and use the popular topics block all i get is page not found. /news/topic/6/%20company%20news. I have my attributes set…

Block designer bug

Hi, I am having issues with the block designer time field. The time outputs fine, but when editing the block the time shown when editing the block is completly different. Which means, on the fron end we can see 05h45 but the block designer shows 13h45 !!…

Block designer edit

Hi, Is it possible to edit the block designer block we create ... when I try editing one, I have to change the handle ... isn't there a way to edit and save the block ? Many thanks

"Method name must be a string" error back

See my previous, closed thread, Same error, different places. Any ideas on how to stop this?

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