Developing (v7+)

integrating complex external JS/CSS

Hi, I wanted to replicate the about section from this page in concrete. Looks simple but its a very complex css. I've been trying to use the html block and define inline style using tag but thats a nightmare to use. …

C5 as a mobile CMS

Hi all, I'm researching if C5 is the right tool to power an Android app with contents. I know that I can create a responsive theme and display the site in a web view but now I'm trying to find out if it is possible to manage only the content of the pag…

Files Error

Anyone run across the below error? Seems like it popped up after I tried uploading a file. Doctrine\Common\Proxy\AbstractProxyFactory::getProxyDefinition(): Failed opening required '/var/www/html/website/application/config/doctrine/proxies/__CG__Concr…

5.7 File Manager - Files Storage Location

By default, if I add a new file storage location it looks for a location within the root directory where C5 is installed - Is there a way to make it look to a subdomain - - instead of the root directory?

Fatal error: Call to a member function getFileID() on a non-object

Hi, i'm still trying to get a file upload working for studio testimonial block, i've had no response from the dev himself so trying here. I have added the code below, but am getting the error: Fatal error: Call to a member function getFileID() on a…

Issue processing form on Dashboard Single Page

I am trying to process a form on a single page on my Dashboard. I have the following code for the form and my controller: /packages//single_pages/dashboard//add.php [code] Add Number [/code] /packages//contro…

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