Developing (v7+)

Concrete 5.7 Change Password Reset FROM Email Address

Can anyone help me on this quick... I need the 5.7 equivalent of define('EMAIL_ADDRESS_FORGOT_PASSWORD', 'insert sender mail here'); All my searches bring up the 5.6 version and how to reset your concrete5 password. Thanks in advance Chris

Adding file to auto-nav

I would like a link to a file to be one of the items in my auto-nav. I added the files URL from the File Manager to the tree of the site map, but I was wondering if this was the best way to do this. This file will be updated monthly so I wasn't sure if…

Show collectionParent custom attribute in page list

Here is my issue, I have a page that contains multiple pagelist blocks showing 4 Vendors from each Vendor category. Each category has a name and an icon that I want to display above the 4 child results. The issue I have now is that the parent title and …

Add the qsid for a contact form to the subject line etc...

Hi, I'd like to make some changes to the email that gets sent via the contact form to help with record keeping and the conversation mode in gmail. 1. I'd like to add the qsid of the email to the subject line: i.e. 'Contact Form Submission [14525097…

PHP Error in my website

Hi , i see the following PHP error messages/sentences in my website ( I am using concrete5 for last 4 years and never had any issue. Please let me know how to fix this problem and remove these error messages. I do not do any codin…

conflicting bootstrap.js

We're building a package that registers an up to date bootstrap css and js as assets. The problem is that if the package is installed on a c5 that runs a theme which pulls in its own bootstrap.js, our package no longer functions correctly. As soon as we p…

Add Class to Every Other Item in List

I need to add a class to every other LI tag in a list, so it is applied to even numbered items only. Below is the code I have now for displaying each item. [code] [/code] How do I make it so that a …

Issue with css and javascript caching

Hallo, what could be the reason of following issue? if css and javascript caching is off, the page list thumbnail is as it should: small and in the same line as the text. if css and javascript caching is on, the image has original size (huge) and i…

layout problem

Hello, I do not manage to get the layout choice when I want a 3-column layout! This problem occurs when I want to edit within my main page, if I have the opportunity to do so only in areas footer or header! That includes my question?

Customer Information not capturing

I am using Vivid Store to process payments with The customer billing information is not being captured by the default checkout.php page?? [code] …

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