Developing (v7+)

Buying theme but not installing in project

Hello, I'd like to know if it's possible to buy a theme and not install it in a project but just study it in my local machine? Would it still count as single license already and I can't use it in other projects, or it would just count if I install i…

NAV menu - any selection simply shows home page

Using C5 5.7.x & Anitya theme. Pretty sure this was working at some point, but now any nav menu selection just shows the home page.. I have checked the Global Stacks' for permissions, and 'guest' is active. .htaccess is empty - completely blank - a…

File does not exist - invalid argument exception help

Hi! I am experiencing a problem. I was trying to change some text around and the error page saying "File Does Not Exist" popped up for me. And Imagine \ Exception \ InvalidArgumentException Just on one page, I can still access the links on the page if…

PHP get current page URL

I am setting up a page type with a default area for a Facebook share button. Instead of having to copy and paste the page URL each time into the widget, I would like for it to generate automatically. After some searching on the forums I tried this (in an …

Hide an empty block

Hi everyone, I have an issue which probably has a simple solution but I can't find it! Basically, I have a blog entry page with a thumbnail image block at the top. I need this to only display if an image has been chosen for the block. I.e. hide the block …

Pro Blog

I have buy problog add-on for our concrete version. I want to show contributor, category and archive on the right side bar. How I will do this? From blog listing page when we go to blog details page, content is not showing? What we will do? Ple…

Image with text band overlay

Hi, I'm wanting to create some image blocks with a text overlay that has a band of gradient colour behind the text. See the attachment. I could easily create the images with the band and text but I want it so that it is easy for my client to update/chang…

Can´t find the GlobalArea ('Header Site Title')

Hi, I´m using with the theme "Elemental" I would like to change the global area "GlobalArea('Header Site Title')" used in concrete/themes/elemental/elements/header.php As I understood the documentation there shoud be a block "Header_Si…

Getting at Concrete from standalone scripts

Hi all, I've inherited a Concrete5 site which has been fairly brutally combined with a Magento site and I've got a requirement to pull some 'latest' page data out of Concrete and include it a couple of the Magento templates. As I see it, I have a co…

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