Developing (v7+)

Page List and nested menu items

I am developing a site for a client and wish to put a list of all the products on his site on a master products page using the Page List block. However, I can't do this since the products are nested within categories in the menu (i.e. they are not at the …

Problem with LESS Parser when using Unicode Characters

I am getting an error message when using unicode chars in my less files that are compiled by Concrete5: Not sure what could cause this since it works in pure CSS, SASS and LESS when I compile it myself. Any ideas?

dynamically view blocktype instances: Is this possible?

I have thousands of instances of a self-made blocktype called videoStreams. I have another self-made block called filterStreams. The user uses the filterStream block to add a bunch of videoStream blocks to a page, based on a filter, like “top 5 trending…

How to change the "name of the site"

Hi. My website is called and i am currently building it for school purposes. On the front page, however, I have an issue regarding my name: 1) My name is Andreas Vinding Jøhnke and not "Johnke". 2) When holding the curser on th…

Theme referrences concrete directory when using includes

Just like this bug in the old version when I try include a file, it thinks my theme is in the concrete directory...: When I use $view->inc I get …

Adding indexes and foreign key constraints to package tables

What is currently the correct way to add foreign keys to a Concrete5 database during the installation of a package? I tried adding CONSTRAINT elements to the db.xml file, like so: [code] , FOREIGN KEY (categoryID) REFERENCES smrProduct…

Create a package using a package (development)

After creating block designer (, I'm creating a new package. This package let's YOU create a package yourself (instead of a block like you can with block designer). You enter handle, name, descrip…

Using checkboxes in custom Block Type add.php/edit.php form

I am having some troubles getting the desired values from checkboxes in the edit.php/add.php files of my custom block type. What I want is: If it's checked return 1 if it's not checked return 0. These values should then be inserted into the correspo…

Help to create a border around multiple blocks

I am a newbie to C5. I am trying to make a site with staff profiles. For each profile, I have multiple blocks to add images, icons, and content. I would like to wrap all of these block as a container with a border line around all the blocks. Right now, …

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