Developing (v7+)


We have registered users assigned to two groups, Clients and Agents. We would like to select and assign Clients to Agents The Agent page would display the Agents information and a list of their assigned Clients. The Agent would also be able to select…

Encrypt all user data including Email-Address

Hello Where in the c5-Code to I have to place the encryption/decryption methods if I want to encrypt all user data including the email address?? Thanks for any hint on this! Regards, Daniel


I want to built a product based website using concrete5. But in concrete5 marketplace there is no e-Commerce addon (free version) are i want to know is there any e-Commerce addon (Free) available in the marketplace so i can start my project…

Question about overrides

In Concrete 5 to override you create a class which "extends" the concrete classes. IKn this article it states. "Remember, wh…

Errors Notification Email from Forms

I have tried to find the answer in the forums but the answer looking not helpful to me. I released that most of answer in forums is about mail_path, yahoo mail account, disable_function etc. After I checked out those and tried to add: define('FORM_BLOC…

Create A Site Without Editing Multiple Time.

My site has a responsive website template. It uses render blocking which hurts the performance for our mobile users. How can I create a mobile site that has the same content as the desktop version? I don't wish for my editors to add the same content f…

Package Update/Upgrade Error

Trying to figure out why I'm getting this error while adding new page attributes to a package. Everything works fine if I uninstall then reinstall the package, but I get this error if I try to upgrade it: [code] Fatal error: Call to a member function …

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