Developing (v7+)

Multiple Files Added at Once to a Dashboard Single Page

I have a custom dashboard page that manages a list of "companies". I want to add files to each company in the list from the file manager helper. Is there any way to be able to select multiple files at once from the file manager and return an array that I …

Trouble getting the right paths for addHeaderItem and includes

Hi, With concrete5 I keep having the problem of getting the right paths. For instance, if I want to add a CSS file for use with my form.php file (included by add.php and edit.php), this worked when I only had a block : [code] public function add() …

css: load once for multiple blocks

I've implemented a tooltip function on my custom block, and I load tooltip's css directly on block's header, with this line: [code][/code] The problem is that every block in the page loads this css, and it takes nearly one second to appear. One workaro…

Making a template of an existing page

I am new to concrete 5 so I am sure this is a simple page. Can I make a template of an existing page I have set up so that when I go to add a new sub page it is in the list of page types? Any ideas would be welcome. Just didn't know if I when I add a …

Allowing access to files for logged in users only

I have a site with a members only section. Advanced permissions are enabled and have created a downloads page that is hidden from guests. I have placed some links to PDF files on this page. The PDF's are in a file set with view set to exclude guests. The…

Using anchor links within Autonav - SOLVED

Hi there, I came across to one issue that has two possible solutions. However none of them work, so I was hoping someone has a better knowledge and is wishing to share :) I want to link to anchor in AutoNav, but by default it is not supported (at le…

Missing form reports

I recently upgraded my Concrete5 from to the latest This took a few upgrade steps. Unfortunately now I am not able to see some of my previous form results. I can tell they're still in the database, because I happened to have an old UR…

Discussion Forum Add On/ Error when deleting post on Guestbook

this is the error message: [code] mysqlt error: [1690: BIGINT UNSIGNED value is out of range in '(`clicacc_cnc5`.`DiscussionSummary`.`totalPosts` - 1)'] in EXECUTE("INSERT INTO DiscussionSummary (cID,totalPosts,lastPostCID) VALUES (128,totalPosts -1,148…

Shortening web addres name

I am sure this is a simple request but I was wondering if someone could help me. We have a website for example and our marketing dept wants to shorten that for use on our shirts, flyers, etc. Any wa…

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