Developing (v7+)

Javascript & CSS add to block add.php

Hi, I´m working on with quite complexed block. In edit mode I can use javascript ("package") and CSS files like this: [code] public function on_page_view() { $html = Loader::helper('html'); $bv = new BlockView(); $bv->setBlockObject($this…

Help lowering site name

Hi there, I noticed today that on our website: Our website name overlaps a little with the colors in the corner. I changed from green to magenta to see if it helped it stand out- but still not perfect. Is t…

Remove login form from restricted pages

I have a few pages on a site that are restricted to authorize users. I want to remove the login form from these pages. Ideally, I would redirect the user to a 404 page or just display an error message. However, I can't find any way to do this. Does an…

Can't find the site 'blocks' folder after moving custom block to live

Hi, Developed new contact form block and put it under 'htdocs/blocks/form' folder, worked perfectly on local dev, however once move it to live on Bitnami, it keeps looking for it under 'htdocs/concrete/blocks/form' folder: Warning: require_once(/opt…

Mapping a subdomain to a single page

Hello all I am creating a charity site that takes donations, the process for which I'd like to sit on a subdomain ( because it looks nice and can be SSL'd unlike the rest of the site. Is there a way to do this? I have the Domain Map…

Question about ADODB shortened syntax

Hi, can one write an SQL query with a question mark parameter for the field name(s) right after the SELECT keyword ? For example in the following query : [code] $imageFVQuery = 'SELECT ' . $elem . ' FROM btGtFBImages WHERE bID = ? and position…

Blocks like themes/add-ons

Hi there, Does anyone know an extension/code which makes it possible to build up a page like the Themes/Add-Ons page? Found Drilldown search or filter with PageList which comes close, but the pages Themes/Add-Ons looks way more professional. Loo…

C57 Add-on installation "Cannot redeclare class"

Hi guys, Wanted to start with c57 development, so I started a clean installation with beta 1. Then I copied an example add-on from and put it in /packages. If I go to Dashboard /…

External files premissions, help with understanding them

Hello, I have a problem with including external files to block. I have no access to files in my block folder like xxx.php yyy.php xxx.js From all of them I got "Access denied" error. They work only if I delete "defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die("Access Denied…

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