Developing (v7+)

Facebook Like button and Facebook developers

Hello, I have downloaded this addon When going to install it, its says you need to be a Facebook developer. Does anyone know about this and i…

PHP CLI cron job not working

I've tried setting up a cron job as shown in this howto: When I run the file directly from the command line, it works fine. However if I put it in a cron job l…

Change date format on Custom Attribute

Im displaying a date from a custom attribute for each user. This returns in yy-mm-dd 00:00 How do i display this as dd-mm-yy? Thnx in advance [code] [/code]

Master Admin Disapeared/disabled

HI I have an issue I've never had before but the master admin has been disabled somehow and we can't get in or edit the site. Is there a way to reset this at all in the database? Cheers, Matt

max page/block width with responsive theme

I've installed the Bootswatch theme and I'd like to limit the width of pages/blocks. I tried to add some CSS to bootstrap-responsive.css, bootstrap-responsive.min.css and to the theme template CSS but it didn't work. Here's my code: [code]@media (min-w…

autonav in the "expand collapse" - block

hello forum, two questions 1. is it possible to include an autonav-block within the "expand / collapse" - block? 2. after crating a site in composer, concrete 5 publishes the new page in the default theme "plain yoghurt" i always need to change it m…

Same block, different color.

Hi! I've made a custom block with a small table. I've put 6 blocks in one page, and I want every block having his own color. The problem is that all blocks take the color of the last one.. I think it's because block's ids are the same, and the last blo…

Custom ad-blog (pop ups) for ProBlog?

I would like to know if its possible to edit the ProBlog pop-up window that appears when you go to add a new blog article. The reason I ask is I would like to add access to some of the custom attributes we have created, to use with the blog articles - the…

Search Page Attribute and show list of results?

All, I am trying to build a neat looking 'People' page for my website - I have now created an individual page for each Person and created a custom 'Attribute' called "Department", each person can then be added to one or multiple 'Departments'. I now…

Change default main and header layout

I do not wish to use the four area, two column two row default layout labeled Layout 1: Cell 1 through Cell 4. is there a way I can remove this from the main and header content areas? If there is not a way, do I have to use the main content area because o…

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