Developing (v7+)

Custom attribut in block

Hi, I would like to add custom attributes to the conventional blocks of concrete5. Example: For the block "autonav" on "form_setup_html.php" page to add my attribute. I do not want to change the original file, but just make overwrite Th…

Centralized Core & Packages

Hi I just wanted to check whether running a centralised core is still as per: As this was posted over 3 years ago? Can this…

Responsive superfish - subitems

Hi, I just working on a responsive superfish menu. It's working but i'm not able to show sub-items when in Mobiel or Tablet resolution. I need to remove the link of my first parent element in the menu to be able to use javascript to tell my superf…

Setting up a demo site

Hi Folks, I've been setting up a demo site so I can let people play around with C5 and it'll just reset with after an hour so they can't break it. I used the following guide:…

don't use cID for custom block column names?

In the db.xml for a custom block, to store a collectionID I added a field with [code] [/code] Then in add.php I render the page selector: [code] $pageSelector = Loader::helper('form/page_selector'); print $pageSelector->selectPage('cID'…

passing vars to javascript in attribute type controller

Along the lines of Which is fine for single pages and blocks, I'm looking to pass variables to the form.php file from a custom select attribute type controller'…

Can't upload - hangs

All of a sudden, I cannot upload files in the File Manager. I uploaded two files (~100 KB PDF files) and then on the third, the upload starting hanging (~300 KB PDF). Once I click 'Upload', the progress wheel starts turning, but stays there and the new f…

Newbie question about grouping blocks (stacks?)

My church's web site has several 'diary' pages that are updated regularly, e.g. a page that shows our service diary for the next month(s), or the volunteer diary for the services: In the nature of dia…

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