Developing (v7+)

Core ecommerce add on - digital downloads

Can the core ecommerce add-on be used for digital downloads? 1. Order 2. Pay 3. Get download link on receipt 4. Download pdf or software etc Or does it it need substantial scripting to work?

Errors on save

Hi, I have a package that I created that works on my local drive but throws errors on the web server - yesterday I thought it was a matter of the web server php version- ha it updated today - now have a consistent error ( see below ) This is very fru…

Some new special offers please?

If you sell add-ons or themes, we'd love to feature your stuff in deal of the day. Simply make a special offer from you my account area and tick the check box to submit for deal of the day. Consider just giving a percentage off, or bundling a few …

Save/Edit Button Stopped Working On Block Edits

Hello! I have a site I put together on Concrete, using a simple custom theme I made based off Skeleton. Everything worked fine but now the Save or Edit button in the Block Edit Mode box will not do anything. It seems to work using a default the…

Multi-word member search

For some reason, my member search doesn't like multiple words. If I search only by first name or last name, it has no problem finding the member. But if I search both first and last—something users are likely to do—it doesn't return any results. How can …

arHandle cannot be null editing page type

I'm trying to add a new page type (to use with Composer). But when I try to edit the page (Defaults->Edit this Page), I get this error: [code]mysqlt error: [1048: Column 'arHandle' cannot be null] in EXECUTE("INSERT INTO Areas (cID,arHandle,arIsGlobal)…

Add a custom template by default

Hey there, I have hunted around for this and found some response but not an answer as yet. Is there any way to add a custom template by default. I know you can edit the default view.php but I do not want to apply it to everything, sitewide. Just when …

Very Slow website

Can anyone tell me why my site loads so slow. Checked the forum and have come up blank.

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