Developing (v7+)

Question with form block or external form

Hi, my problem is that i`m not sure how to make this, or how to begins, i have a website with multiple users. When a new user make the registration i call an event and make a new public page with some of the user attributes like page attributes, the name…

Serious Session Problems With Custom Login Area

Hi All, I am Webmaster of a annual Athletic Competition Website. Part of that Competition Website is a Online Signup where People can signup their Children for the Competition. The Signup Application is written in PHP, Ajax and JSON. Since originally, …

Page name is persistent in header

Getting very frustrated. I am working on the headers for a site, and I can't figure out how to get it to look right. The banner image I'm using "sits" too high on the page and the page name is sitting over the menu bar. Site is here: http://chr…

Best Ecommerce Solution

I need some help/advice for an ecommerce build I'm doing. It is for a auto parts shop that deals with custom bike parts, mostly new and some used. The add-ons I currently have to cover the store are ecommerce, discount-plus, ecommerce product slider,…

Tableless Form

I am using Jordan's add-on. I have to create a form that requires customers to click on parts of a diagram to order. Just using the supplied sample (as a practice), I have changed all the /path/to reference to absolute paths for my site but on submi…

error when I'm trying to add an array to a select attribute

Hi All, I'm trying to set a select attribute with an array (in this case $genres): [code]$newPage->setAttribute('main_entry_music_genres', $genres);[/code] But when I do this, I get the following issue: [code]mysql error: [-9999: Input Array d…

Backup Database / Update Concrete5 pages not showing?

Hi all, I'm hoping this is a quick one, but On our install of C5 ( When you go into the dashboard and system and settings then click on either Backup Database or Update Concrete5 the page loads but there is no content? I've just moved this s…

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