Developing (v7+)

Getting Results Count

I'm working on a new add-on to capture the number of times the product search is used (with the ecommerce add-on) as well as the standard site search. I've got the add-on about 90% done but I'm not able to capture how many results were returned. When us…

Custom PHP page / Link

I have a small bit of php code I would like to execute from a link or button. I have the code in a php file already, and the content is in a site folder, but I can't point to it. It executes code on the server. A How do I point/link to one of the…

Block 'archive' doesn't generate right link.

Hello everybody! I really don't know, how to fix this problem already. And maybe you can help me. I don't know when, but one day block 'Archive' wich shows all news by month stopped do it. You can klick on month, then it shows you the main page. All dat…

301 or 302

I have my site and i add the two lines in my site.php file as this [code]define('BASE_URL', ''); define('DIR_REL', ''); [/code] in the website I checked my URL with www and I get as result a Status…

302 redirect and 301 redirect

I have my site and i add the two lines in my site.php file as this [code]define('BASE_URL', ''); define('DIR_REL', ''); [/code] in the website I checked my URL with www and I get as result a Status…

site time settings

how do i change my sites time settings. i have a page set to turn on in 6 hours through advanced permissions, but it just turned on. after checking my sites 6 hours off.

Installing Other Applications

I have a domain that I want to run Concrete5 on. But I want to have other, complex, applications run in some specific locations, let's say: The other application has been setup in…

Tweaking Form Block to send Email with user attributes?

Hello community, for a client project, I am trying to find a solution for a notification mailing function with a button. I would like to display a button which, when clicked, sends an email containing some pre-defined text as well as the (registered…

addHeaderItem from package controller on_start

I'm attempting to create a package that loads some animation css from the package controller on_start and contains an array of custom templates. Unfortunately, I'm stuck adding the css file to the header. I've poked around the forums and google search…

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