Developing (v7+)

Converting sites to responsive - any tips?

I have several sites that I want to add responsive code to. Are there any hints or tips? Any pitfalls? I presume as well as the main stylesheet, I have to amend all the stylesheets for each block component? Any chance of a new tutorial in the design…

concrete5 homepage single page

i would like to make my homepage on my clients website a singlepage. i tried making a home.php both in the theme directory and in the single pages directory. what am i doing wrong, thank you.

Retina Images In Blog Posts?

When I insert an image in a ProBlog blog post, and choose a high resolution image, say 320x400px, and then set the size in the markup to 160x200px, a cached version of that image at 160x200 is served. I'm not sure if that's being done by concrete5 or by P…

No classes generated in Autonav

Hello everyone, I added a autonav block like I always do, but this time the li and anchor tags didn't get classes added to them. i.e (li class='nav-item-1'). I've tried clearing cache and reinstalling autonav but no avail. Any ideas?

The Editor Inserts Absolute Links Instead of Relative

Editing using TinyMCE and inserting links to site pages using the Insert Link to Page command generates absolute links of the form instead of preferred relative links of the form /index.php?cID=131. This is in …

PHP upgrade (5.2 > 5.4) compatibility for Bluehost

Hi there! I'm NOT technically savvy, so thank you in advance for your replies and patience with my layperson terminology! I have a C5 site hosted by and apparently it's not compatible with PHP 5.4. Bluehost updated everything this morning…

addRequiredToken - how does it work?

I've tried endless ways to implement this feature in one of my blocks. (Yes, I'm aware that blocks already have a token attached to them, but I'd like to learn how to do it manually). My questions: 1. How does one go about including a token in their fo…

Javascript Conflict When in Edit Mode - How to Fix?

I am having a hard time with a theme I'm working on. When in edit mode, none of the Concrete editing interface elements show up. Also, when you update a page property (or something similar), it takes me to a blank page that only shows this: [code] {…

404 Page Returns "200 OK" ?

I came upon a blog post written in February of 2012: that says, and I quote: ----- The 404 page in Concrete5 CMS returns status "200 OK", which means search engines will …

Adaptive/Responsive Images?

What is the community using to replace images on a page with high resolution versions, in the event the browser is on a retina display device, or small versions, in the event the browser is on a portable display of some sort, or both?

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