Developing (v7+)

Export user list as CSV

Hi, Does anyone know of a way I can export the user list (and all their attributes) to a CSV file? I need an actual CSV file so the information can be imported into external systems. I know that there is a feature to export to an XLS but it isn't a…

Suggestion for dynamic display

I want to show value from the database with respect to selected value. [code] [/code] I want to print the value depends upon the l_cat_id. If l_cat_id = 1, i want to retrieve the value from the database using this id. How to perform this?…

Fatal error

When i was copy the file /concrete/models/user.php to /models/user.php. I was got error "Fatal error: Call to undefined method User::getUserAccessEntityObjects() in updates/concrete5.6.1.2_updater/concrete/core/models/permission/access/model.php on line 7…

Weird error at top of Block Types page

Hey guys, I'm seeing a weird error suddenly at the top of my Block Types page. I had to reinstall C5 in a new db so maybe there's something in the migration that got lost, but I have no idea. Does the below error message ring a bell for anyone? They're…

PHP scripts to upload files to an FTP

Hi everyone, Some help would be much appreciated... We are trying to build the function into our website for users to upload files which get put into our own ftp server. I have this working on our standard on pemise apache web sever, but would like t…

Creating a ul list block with concrete5

Hi, I'm trying to add an editable ul list to homepage. at the bottom of this page you can see that there is a ul > li list. But it's not editable and also every section will redirect to page in that site. As mu…

Parents and Grandparents a whole family tree of links etc...

HI I'm not sure if anyone can please help me. I am trying to get a subnav on my site populated in a rather 'fun' way. Site map is: HOME -SHOP --SECTION 1 ---PAGE 1 ----PAGE 1a ----PAGE 1b -----PAGE 1ba -----PAGE 1bb -----PAGE 1bc ----PAG…

What is the preferred method of generating links?

I've seen a couple different methods for generating links in concrete5 and I'm not sure what the pros and cons are of each. In the view I've seen: [code] $this->url('/path'); [/code] and [code] Loader::helper('navigation')->getLinkToCollection(Page:…

Sample Content

Can anyone tell me how to install a custom theme I've built with sample content like they have with some themes from the marketplace or the default themes in C5. Can it be done off xml file or would you just install it as part of the theme?

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