Developing (v7+)

Need coding help - list files from set hack

Hi all :-) This questions goes out to the coders reading this. I've been using the "show files from set" add-on by mesuva to display a lot of files I have made available for download. I've customized it a lot and changed the way the files are downloaded,…

archive pages

How do I archive pages so they don't show up in the navigation but still exist? Just removing them from being visible in navigation would be enough. Thanks!

Multiple $form->checkbox "checked" issue

I have multiple checkboxes created like this in a block: [code] $form = Loader::helper('form'); echo $form->checkbox('mycheckbox-'.$count, $list['id'], (in_array($list['id'], $ListIdsArray)), array('name'=>'ListIdsArray[]')).$list['name']."";[/code] …

how to use css...

How to use css files in concrete5...? I want to use css file in my single pages. Where i want to put .css file and how can i use this css style in my single pages? Any one clear my doubt please...

Performance - C5 profiling Zend_Date

I just ran a profile with xhprof and saw Zend_Date consuming a lot of time: I came across several threads where PHP DateTime is preferred over Zend_Date, why is C5 still using Zend…

Update to causes problems with stacks

Hi there - I updated my version to the latest today - previous was a couple behind but have been having trouble with Stacks - The stacks page does not display fully - No CSS just a few - but not all - basic links. Some but not all stacks still…

Copy Website

Hello As a new user, I would like to make a copy of the original website with all the helpful blocks, etc. that were included by default so that I can modify my website without losing the original default website. Is there a way to do this?

How to pass variable...

I used $flag variable in my single pages like [code]/single_pages/first.php[/code] I want to pass $flag variable value to [code]/config/site.php[/code] There is any possibilities in concrete5? Can anyone clear it please... Thanks in advance...

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