Developing (v7+)

eCommerce and shipping

Good Evening, I just have a quick question about the business process that is associated with using an eCommerce site. Currently my client does all of his sales "in-store" but he wants to expand to online sales. I want to use Concrete5 because I think…

Date Picker Year Range?

The date picker, when added to a form, only shows the last 10 years. When asking for a birthdate, this field is pretty much impossible to fill out unless you know that you can type a date into the box. I found this thread here: http://www.concre…

Set user file attribute fails

I am logged in into my site as a user, which is inside a custom group. I have tried several different ways of setting the file attribute of a user but none of these work [code] $ui->setAttribute("college_logo_fid", File::getByID(1)); [/code] [c…

Deleting a Page won't go!

I've defined my own page types and in order to tidy up this specific site I want to remove the OOTB ones (Right Sidebar). I go into the Page Types admin, click 'Settings' on this PageType that I want to remove, click 'Delete', I accept the confirmation an…

Global event hook / Bootstrap file

Is there a global event hook I can tap into to set some variables up before the main application started? I have tried View, but this does not have User available when it starts and it also feels wrong/hacky. Thanks

Set messages on redirected page

I have register block and after registration I have redirected page to other page can i set success message on redirecyed page.

How to disable the site layout?

hi guys i've been searching a lot but i cannot find the answer...I want to disable the html rending in my single page controller save action. In zend framework I can disable the rendering of layout and view by using this code: $this->_helper->layout()-…

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